MaxScholar Orton-Gillingham & Science of Reading Teacher Trainings
You can enroll in one of the MaxScholar Orton-Gillingham (OG) & Science of Reading training courses. These courses will teach you the multi-sensory approach to teaching reading, translating cutting-edge research into practical classroom strategies.
The MaxScholar Orton-Gillingham training courses are IDA accredited and are delivered by instructors who are trained to provide information in a way that teachers will be able to easily incorporate in their classrooms. There are also follow-up sessions on various topics spread out though the year.
Teachers received our trainings
Our Orton-Gillingham trainings
Orton-Gillingham - Level 1
1 day, without CertificationThis course is delivered over one full day with seven additional follow-up sessions throughout the school year. It covers OG foundational knowledge of phonological awareness & phonics. It includes learning phonology and orthography.
Attendees will learn the following strategies:● Phonological awareness
● Phonics / word recognition
● Fluency
● Syllable types
● Spelling
● Vocabulary
● Reading Comprehension
Phonological Awareness
1 day - Training CourseThe course is full-day, available only live virtually, unless school or district has a specific request otherwise.
Attendees will learn how to assess baseline knowledge as well as progress monitoring for mastery of the following:● Rhyming words
● Beginning sound in a word
● Ending sound in a word
● Middle sound in a word
● Blending two words to make a new word
● Breaking one word into two words
● Changing the first sound in a word to make a new word
● Changing the last sound of a word to make a new word
● Changing the middle sound of a word to make new word
● Break apart a word into its individual sounds
● Blend sounds together to make a new word
● …and 6 other skills
Orton-Gillingham - Level 1
1 day, with CertificationThis course is delivered over one full day with seven additional follow-up sessions throughout the school year. It covers OG foundational knowledge of phonological awareness & phonics. It includes learning phonology and orthography.
Attendees will learn the following strategies:● Phonological awareness
● Phonics / word recognition
● Fluency
● Syllable types
● Spelling
● Vocabulary
● Reading Comprehension
Successful completion of this course includes a practicum. This requires an attendee to submit specific lesson plans and videos each month for feedback of the teacher working with a student.
Orton-Gillingham - Level 2
Morphology Training Course - 1 dayThe course is full-day, available only live virtually, unless school or district has a specific request otherwise. Attendees must have completed MaxScholar Level 1 OG Training.
Our course covers the following topics:● How to teach word meaning, word parts, vocabulary
● How to teach spelling of new words with their meanings
● How to teach students how to pronounce unfamiliar words
● How to teaching breaking words into syllables of Latin & Greek roots, prefixes & suffixes
● How to practice fluency
● How to identify meaningful parts of words.
● How to use specific reading comprehension strategies
Orton-Gillingham -
Science of Reading
Accreditation by International Dyslexia AssociationThis workshop is our premier program for which we have received formal accreditation by the prestigious International Dyslexia Association (IDA). This is a 3 full-day workshop, followed by 9 two-hour additional programs and includes unlimited coaching.
Topics covered include:
● Day 1: Science behind learning, language development & overview of structured literacy.
● Day 2: introduction to the Orton-Gillingham approach, an overview of the 44 phonemes in the English language, and the key components of an OG lesson plan.
● Day 3: Comprehensive assessment system and how to use assessment data to guide instruction and intervention strategies.50%OFF
Dyslexia Training Course
1 day - 3 hsThe course is three hours, available only live virtually.
Our course covers the following topics:● Neurobiology of dyslexia
● Definitions of dyslexia
● Risk factors for students
● Who may have dyslexia
● Screening vehicles for dyslexia
● Intervention for students with dyslexia
● Accommodations available
● Use of assistive technology
● Discussion of required readings
This course will be held from 3:30 to 6:30 pm Eastern time. Other times and dates will be offered for a school which requests training for more than 10 teachers.
Written Language
1 day - Training CourseThe course is full-day, available only live virtually, unless school or district has a specific request otherwise.
Our course covers the following written language topics which attendees will learn how to teach:● Grammar
● Different sentence types
● Parts of speech
● Sentence structure
● Basic paragraphs (explanatory, process, reason, persuasion, compare & contrast, narrative)
● Expanded paragraphs
● Five paragraph essays
Empowering educators
All these courses will enable the teacher to learn how to implement these approaches in their classroom and become a more effective teacher of reading. The training aims to empower educators with knowledge, support, and tools to make an immediate impact on students’ learning. We strive to provide teachers with new skills and insights to enhance their effectiveness in teaching reading to all students.